In July 2026, there is an expansion of industry types that will have obligations under our Anti Money Laundering / Counter-Terrorism Funding Legislation.
A $10 billion reinsurance pool has been announced to underwrite cover for cyclone and cyclone-related flood for northern Australia. Find out more.
On Tuesday 27 October, the National Insurance Brokers Association (NIBA) named Phoenix Insurance Brokers’ Shelley Hymas winner of this year’s QBE-sponsored Stephen Ball Memorial Award for Insurance Broker of the Year.
We’re delighted to announce that our very own Shelley Hymas has been named the National Insurance Brokers Association (NIBA) Broker of the Year for Western Australia.
WorkCover WA released a notice about JobKeeper on Monday 4 May 2020. The notice clarifies the treatment of the Commonwealth Government’s JobKeeper subsidy in relation to wage declarations made in the WA workers’ compensation scheme.
The West Australian Government has announced a relief package of $154 million to support tenants, landlords and the construction industry impacted by the coronavirus crisis.
In the past two weeks the Federal, State and Territory Governments have announced a series of programs to provide support to businesses and employees who are struggling to cope with COVID-19 obligations and business conditions.
Read and find out all the latest COVID-19 Workers Compensation Information for Employers from Work Cover WA. If you have any questions about Workers Compensation or any other insurance-related matters, please contact us.
A message from David White, Managing Director. On behalf of Phoenix Insurance Brokers Pty Ltd, I am writing to you in light of the continuing developments around the COVID-19 (coronavirus). Read on.
Finding the right provider and insurance policy types for your practice will take some research and discussion with your insurance broker so they can understand your business and secure you the right policy. Read on.
Recently Paul Martin wrote an article on why premiums are higher for businesses and residents located in WA’s far north. Mainly it’s due to the inclement weather and a lack of insurers willing to compete in this space. Read on.
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