When you start your own business, there’s a lot to think about. You need a business name, a bank account, a website, perhaps social media, advertising, you may need staff and so on. One aspect some small businesses and start-ups often leave until last is business insurance. Typically, this is due to limited cash flow but also, it can be through a lack of understanding as to what types of insurance your small business needs.
The type of small business insurance you need for your business will depend on the type of business you operate. Most small businesses are well-advised to consider Public Liability insurance particularly if people come to your premises. Business Interruption insurance is often recommended so that if something unforeseen happens to your premises or your equipment, you’re compensated for downtime and loss of revenue.
Some businesses will need Professional Indemnity insurance if providing professional advice, for example, others may need insurance cover for vehicles, for example, if you have a food truck business or you run a fleet of cars. Most businesses will need cover for computers, laptops, and mobile phones. If you have business premises or a warehouse, you’d be well advised to take out building and contents insurance to cover you for fire, storm, or flood damage.
There are myriad insurance policies on the market for small businesses; the trick is tailoring a package that suits your individual needs and your budget.
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At Phoenix Insurance Brokers, we know insurance can be complex and challenging. That’s why we work alongside our clients making sure they have the best level of protection. And, as a valued Phoenix client, in the event of a claim, we always go the extra mile to ensure all entitlements are received. Every small business is different, with different insurance requirements. That’s why there’s a range of insurance policies on the market but when it comes to protecting your small business, there are some standard types of insurance you shouldn’t be without. Your Phoenix Insurance Broker knows and understands small business risks and can work with you to make sure you have the right insurance cover in place.
Insurance cover is complex. Knowing which policies to choose from to protect your business involves specialist knowledge. Phoenix Insurance Brokers has been providing insurance advice to Western Australian small and medium-sized businesses for more than 30 years. We have the knowledge and experience to know what you need to protect your small business and our service is second to none. We also know you’ll love our friendly and highly qualified team.
Using Phoenix Insurance Brokers Perth gives you access to economies of scale and insurance packages that have been specially developed through our alliance with the Steadfast Group, Australia’s largest insurance broker cluster group. Our Steadfast alliance ensures our clients receive Phoenix’s signature personalised service together with the benefits of Steadfast’s impressive buying power.
Phoenix can assist with all your general insurance needs including accessing and reviewing your insurance, full claims management, arranging premium funding and risk management. Not only will your Phoenix Insurance Broker help you decide which policies are right for your business, they can also package multiple policies together so you only pay one premium that you can spread out over a year (to assist with cash flow). Your Phoenix Broker will also work with you to make sure your insurance changes as your business changes, so you’re only paying for what you need or you’re adding cover as your business grows.
We’re here to assist you every step of the way. With three locations throughout the state in Como, Busselton, and Broome, one of our branches is local to you. Our head office is in Preston Street in Como. Our Broome office represents our clients in the state’s North-West while our Busselton office has been servicing our clients in the South-West for almost 20 years. We also cater to clients in the Rockingham and Peel regions.
Business insurance can be complex. Often you think you’re doing the right thing by taking out a particular policy, only to find you’re not adequately covered for a scenario when it comes to making a claim. This can be costly, time-consuming and frustrating.
As experienced small business insurance brokers, Phoenix can work with you to ensure you have the right policies in place to protect your business so that if the worst should happen, or something unforeseen occurs, you can get back to work as soon as possible. With Phoenix, we can take care of the details, giving you peace of mind and leaving you to get on and do what you do best.
Some people dream of running their own business but that doesn’t mean there aren’t challenges and risks along the way and a lot of hard work. While we can’t help run the day to day, we can put you on the right path when it comes to insurance. Having the right insurance in place is essential to protect your small business against unexpected challenges.
Whatever your business, having the right insurance in place to protect you is essential so that if and when something goes wrong, you’re covered. Sifting through the myriad policies on the market and knowing what policies will best protect you can be a minefield.
That’s when an experienced insurance broker who can guide you through the maze and explain the pros can cons of insurance can be very helpful. Having the right insurance in place can make all the difference to your bottom line should things go wrong.
Below are some of the different types of insurance you need to consider for your small business.
Business Insurance provides financial cover for your small business or start-up, including cover for your premises and contents, and loss, damage, or theft. It can also cover you for any resulting financial loss from an insured business interruption.
Consider these scenarios: your premises could be broken into, your computers could be hacked, or your stock could be damaged in a fire or storm. These are all too common business insurance claim scenarios.
Having the right business insurance and business interruption insurance policies in place, tailored to your small business, will protect you should something go wrong, and see you getting back to business sooner rather than later.
Office Insurance is designed for people who operate a business from an office. For example, medical and health businesses, financial services, consultants, and administrative services businesses to name a few.
Every business is different and will have different office insurance requirements to protect its business assets. For example, some will need cover for glass breakage or ‘business money’ that’s kept on the premises, others will only require cover for damage to their office and burglary.
Whether you work from home and need a home office insurance policy, or you need commercial office insurance, your local Phoenix Insurance Broker can help.
If your business revolves around you providing professional advice to clients, Professional Indemnity insurance is a must. Even if you have the highest qualifications and a wealth of experience, providing advice can expose you to the risk of negligence lawsuits or claims.
Professional Indemnity insurance can help protect you and your small business if someone claims a loss, an injury or even damage to their property due to your advice or service.
Without this type of insurance in place, you could potentially be liable for expensive legal fees and compensation payments.
Professional Indemnity insurance can also protect your reputation and prevent you from having to settle a claim against you quickly due to a lack of funds.
Public Liability insurance can protect you against third party claims. If someone visits your small business and has an accident, even if a delivery person injures themselves while on your premises, a claim could be made against you. Small Business Public Liability insurance is one of the most important types of insurance a business can have.
Starting your own business can be a big step and a dream come true for many people. You know you are going to work hard because you’re working for yourself and the work you put in should mean you see the rewards. Whether you are starting a business, or you’ve been running your own small business for a while and you know you need to get on to sorting out your insurance, Phoenix Insurance Brokers can guide you every step of the way.
Now that we’ve covered the basics and some insurance options for you to consider above, there’s no better time than today to get in touch with your local Phoenix Insurance Broker to talk about how we can help you safeguard your small business.
While insurance is our business, our philosophy is about people and building strong, solid relationships with them. We partner with all our clients to achieve the best possible outcomes, for them, their families, and their businesses.
Common types of insurance taken out by small businesses and start-ups include Business Insurance, Office Insurance, Public Liability Insurance and Professional Indemnity insurance. If you employ staff, Worker’s Compensation insurance is mandatory. There are many policies on the market from which to choose. Your Phoenix Insurance Broker can tailor a policy specific to your small business needs.
You must have workers’ compensation insurance for anyone you employ in your small business including full-time workers on a wage or salary, part-time, casual, and seasonal workers. This is a mandatory insurance in Australia.
In the event, you need to make a claim, get in touch with your Phoenix Insurance Broker and we’ll guide you from there. Remember that we work for you, not the insurance company. Whether you need advice, you need to make a claim on your business insurance or change your policy, your Phoenix Broker will take care of all your small business insurance needs.
Yes, you can make changes to your small business insurance policy. If things change, like your address, or your business grows and you employ more staff, and you want to make sure your insurance still covers you, simply call your Phoenix Insurance Broker on (08) 9367 7399 or email us at info@phoenixins.com.au.
Your small business insurance renewal offer will be sent to you prior to the renewal date. Once you are happy with the details (taking into account any changes in cover and price), all you’ll need to do is pay your renewal by the due date. Your Phoenix Broker is there to discuss with you at any stage of the renewal process.
It’s up to you! Your Phoenix Insurance Broker can work with you to not only bundle your business insurance policies into a package that’s tailored to your requirements, they can also help you to manage your premiums by showing you how you can pay them monthly to assist with cash flow or if you prefer, paying them annually. Phoenix is your small business insurance broker!
For all your business insurance needs and questions, contact us on (08) 9367 7399 or at info@phoenixins.com.au. You can also view our full contact details and locations.
Discover why content creators need insurance to protect their passion and business. From legal claims and cybersecurity to equipment protection and income loss, learn how the right coverage ensures your creativity stays secure. Find out more about safeguarding your content creation career.
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